Each year, the American Fisheries Society Tidewater Chapter (TAFS) chooses to honor professionals or conservation organizations making a significant impact to the chapter or to the field of marine fisheries science by-and-large. The award is given for previous years’ service. Three special recognition awards are available for presenting at the chapter annual meeting: Excellence in Fisheries Education, Meritorious Service, and Conservation. The Awards and Scholarship Committee made presentations to four deserving individuals at the 2023 annual meeting – John Cooper, Jan McDowell, Dave Secor, and Jessica Thompson – during the chapter awards banquet.2023_meritorious.jpg

Former president John Cooper and past secretary Jessica Thompson were the two recipients of a Meritorious Service Award. This award is given on a case-by-case basis to a TAFS member for unswerving loyalty, dedication, and service to the chapter, and for their exceptional commitment to the programs, objectives, and long-term goals of it. John was given the award for his many years (decades!) of service to the chapter in a variety of capacities. Jessica was given the award for her many years as serving as chapter secretary. Accepting the award for John was Ron Klauda.

2023_eductaion.jpgThe Excellence in Fisheries Education Award is given to an individual who has achieved excellence in teaching and student advising in the field of fisheries science, or closely related curriculum, and who also encourages student participation in AFS, TAFS, and other fisheries-related meetings. This year’s winner was Jan McDowell, associate professor in the Natural Resources Section of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, in recognition of her outstanding advising and mentorship of graduate students.

Dave Secor, Regents Professor at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, received the
Conservation Award for his work to protect spawning Atlantic sturgeon in Marshyhope Creek, Md. The award is given annually to an individual, resource management agency, business or nonprofit organization that the TAFS deems has accomplished notable fisheries or habitat conservation activities. Accepting the award for Dave was Tom Miller.

Please help the Awards and Scholarship Committee by nominating deserving individuals for these awards. The chapter focuses its awards on those who live and work in the state where the annual meeting is hosted. Send nominations, complete with brief description of why you think they deserve the award, by Jan. 26, 2024, to me, the current chair, at: pjruders@ncsu.edu.

In other awards business, outgoing TAFS president, Jim Morley, assistant professor of Biology based at East Carolina University’s Outer Banks Campus, inducted Marty Gary as the 2023 president of the chapter. Marty currently works as the Director of the Division of Marine Resources for the N.Y. Department of Environmental Conservation. The ceremony included the traditional “passing of the toadfish.”


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