The Conservation Award is given to an individual, resource management agency, business, or nonprofit organization that the Chapter deems has accomplished notable fisheries or habitat conservation activities.
Awarded in the listed year for prior year's service:
2023: Dave Secor
2021: Bob Fisher
2019: Maryland Coastal Bays Program
2018: Anne Deaton
2017: Jim Wesson
2016: Senator C. Bernard "Bernie" Fowler
2015: North Carolina Coastal Federation
2014: Bill Goldsborough
2013: Kent Mountford
2012: Mike Street
2011: Jack Travelstead
2010: Jim Uphoff; Karl Blankenship
2008: Robert "JJ" Orth
2006: Mike Naylor
2005: Ed Houde
2004: Beth Versak; Wilson Laney
2003: John Olney; Ken Paynter